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How to bathe your baby?

Biểu đồ từ mang thai đến ngày sinh nở cần thiết

Bathing your baby can become more than just a routine of hygiene. It’s a chance to play and spend time with her - making it a fun time for both. Your baby may take some time to get used to the idea of bath time. There are several reasons why the baby becomes distressed around bath. Like, getting naked, water all over and around, soapy hands etc. But trust us, this phase usually passes rather quickly and there’s nothing to worry about. Here’s an easy guide to go about making bathing a fun process.

  • For the first few weeks, don’t use soap or shampoo because water will do just fine. Bathe your newborn 2-3 times a week.
  • Avoid bathing the newborn in a tub until the cord stump has fallen away and healed. Otherwise giving a sponge bath is ideal.
  • Lay a wet flannel or cloth across your baby's chest to keep her warm.
  • Talk, sing and play games with your baby so that she learns to enjoy it as a special time with you. Such moments are ideal to bond with your bundle of joy.
  • Always check the water temperature by using your wrist as this is more sensitive to heat than the rest of your hand. You could also use a bath thermometer.
  • It's a good idea to fill the bath with cold water first, and then add hot water. That way you will not heat up the bottom of the bath and risk burns.
  • Hold your baby steady. If the baby is in a conventional bath (not a sit-in tub) support her across the shoulders, so baby head is against your forearm. If baby in a tub, hold baby under his/her arms with one arm. That way you get a spare arm for bathing your baby's body all over.
  • Gently massaging while bathing your little one is a lovely way to get to know her bodily reactions and priceless expressions.

About cleaning the cord stump.

Your baby's umbilical cord stump dries and drops off within a week to ten days of her birth. You may receive advice from the hospital to clean this area daily, or that excessive cleaning is not necessary. If you notice any redness, discharge or other signs of infection, ask your doctor for suitable advice.


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